- And though I'm wide awake 雖然我是那麼的清醒
- It had broken down the previous summer, and though I promised to repair it, I had never got round to it. 前年夏天它就壞了。雖然我早就許諾過我自己修,但是我從未騰出空來。
- Even though I was wide awake, I didn't recognize you with that haircut. 儘管我很清醒,但你換了頭型,我還是沒能認出你來。
- And though I have afflicted you, I will afflict you no more. 猶大阿,我雖然使你受苦,卻不再使你受苦。
- Oh, I was just passing through, and though I'd stop by. 哦,我剛好經過就過來看看。
- And though I oft have passed them by, A day will come. 儘管我常常錯過,但總有一天會發現。
- And though I'm as leery of certain polls as anyone, this margin of credulity is too wide to be discounted. 儘管我和任何人一樣對某些民意測驗持懷疑態度,但這兩個信任度之間的差距之大使人無法無視其存在。
- She hesitated,"oh, why not? I'm wide awake." 她猶豫了一會兒,「也好,我一點都不困。」
- I was wide awake and every nerve was alert. 我非常清醒,每根神經都警覺著。
- And though I aim to defeat you,should I succeed, I would not humiliate you. 雖然我的目標是擊敗你,若取得成功,我不會羞辱你。
- With my dream though I am wide awake 儘管我還是清醒的
- And I dream though I am wide awake 儘管我醒著;但我猶在夢裡
- This was a meal fit for a rajah. And though I'm certainly no Indian prince, I savored every last hand-held morsel. 這款菜肴是招待印度王候爺的,我雖然不是什麼印度的王親國戚(王子),但我可以盡情地享受印度美味的菜肴,一口,一口地品味印度菜肴的最後真蒂。
- I am sure the wide awake people of this country will participate in the debate. 我相信這個國家的有識之士肯定會參加這場辯論。
- Even though I'm vexed and no one be my company. 就算心煩意亂就算沒有人作伴。
- He was wide awake and ready to take the exam. 他頭腦清醒,對參加考試已作足了準備。
- I couldn't get up but I was wide awake. 我不能起床,但我完全清醒。
- And though I know the punishment for muItipIe hang-ups isn't prison. 即使我知道對於多次騷擾電話的處罰不是監獄。
- I am wide awake to her weak points. 她的弱點我全知道。
- And though I aim to defeat you, should I succeed, I will not humiliate you. 雖然我的目標是戰勝你,但就算我勝利了,那並不會讓你蒙羞。