- And it's now or never 時間寶貴
- Now I see history repeating itself, and it breaks my heart. 如今我看到了歷史的重演,這真讓我痛心。
- Well, three or four months run along, and it was well into the winter now. 後來,三四個月混過去了,那時冬天已經過了不少日子。
- I saw the assassination and it got under my skin. 我親眼看見暗殺的情景,真令我毛骨悚然。
- David gave the door a kick and it flew open. 大衛一腳向門踹去,那門猛地開了。
- It was vodka, and it packed quite a punch. 這是伏特加酒,它有強烈的刺激作用。
- Insert a want ad, and it may help. 登一則招聘廣告,也許有用。
- And it will take you forty minutes or so there. 路程得要花約40分鐘。
- Set the bird's wings with gold and it will never again soar in the sky. 鳥翼上繫上了黃金,這鳥便永不能再在天上翱翔了。
- I bought a new cigarette lighter and it broke. Now I'm$10 out of pocket. 我買了個新的打火機,可是壞了,我白花了10美元。
- It s a small blue case and it s got a zip. 霍爾先生:是只藍色的小箱子,上面有拉鏈。
- And it』s the same with Lucien Freud. 我的愛人是誰?他叫什麼名字?
- It never wets you and it always smells good. 它從不把你淋濕,而且總是挾帶著一股清新的氣息。
- It is a medium- size samsonite, and it's gray. 它是一個中型的灰色紳耐特皮箱。
- The team had won no games and it lost heart. 這個球隊從未贏過一場比賽,所以隊員都氣餒了。
- David: Too glib, and it』s been done. 大衛:太隨便了,而且,這已經做了。
- I gave a smart blow on the lid, and it flew open. 我朝蓋子猛一擊,就把它打開了。
- My car's stuck in the mud, and it won't budge. 我的車陷入泥中,一動也不動。
- The house faces north, and it never gets the sun. 這房子坐南朝北;(所以)室內終年不見陽光.
- Remove an old tree and it will wither to death. [諺]老樹移栽活不了,老人遷居命不長。