- White alley, Jim! And it's a bully taw. 「白石頭子,吉姆!這可是真正好玩的石頭子
- And it's a bully taw. 這可是真正好玩的石頭子啊。」
- "White alley, Jim! And it's a bully taw." 「白石頭子,吉姆!這可是真正好玩的石頭子啊。」
- It s a small blue case and it s got a zip. 霍爾先生:是只藍色的小箱子,上面有拉鏈。
- Give the Model S a longer track and it will top out at 120 mph. 給予型號S長的賽道,它會頂端了120英里。
- But the plan goes afoul and it『s a desperate race to the end. 但是計劃失敗和使之成了危急歷程。
- And it's a bully taw." 這可是真正好玩的石頭子
- Change a business requires dynamite and it' s a consultant who lights the fuse. 改良一個企業需要炸藥,顧問就是將炸藥點燃的人。
- Margot: And it』s a good thing, too.Otherwise, it would be bedlam4 around here. 瑪戈特:而且也是件好事,否則,這兒不就一團混亂了。
- David gave the door a kick and it flew open. 大衛一腳向門踹去,那門猛地開了。
- Alexandra Wrage: It』s a compliance issue and it』s a cultural issue. 瑞吉:這既是守法問題,也是文化問題。
- Yes yes yes it』s a new day it』s a different day and it』s a bri ... 打開手機,上網瀏覽一下朋友的日誌,原來朋友已在我之前感受到了陽 ...
- It was vodka, and it packed quite a punch. 這是伏特加酒,它有強烈的刺激作用。
- I see deeper problem in you, and it』s a problem that I can relate to. 試想母系社會沿襲至今的話,也許狀況剛好相反。
- Insert a want ad, and it may help. 登一則招聘廣告,也許有用。
- It is a medium- size samsonite, and it's gray. 它是一個中型的灰色紳耐特皮箱。
- I gave a smart blow on the lid, and it flew open. 我朝蓋子猛一擊,就把它打開了。
- I rang for a taxi and it arrived soon after. 我打電話叫了計程車,不一會兒車就到了。
- And it』s a smasher - a slightly moody black and white panorama of London, with the White Tower rearing above. 那個略帶幽暗的黑白色調倫敦全景中,矗立著倫敦白塔,是多麼美妙啊!
- He was not good at business and it soon came a howler. 他不擅長做生意,不久就失敗了。