- And another X'mas comes. 好吧,靜悄悄地告訴你。
- One beats the bush, and another catches the birds. [諺]人竭其力,汝享其成。
- A horse with patchy markings of white and another color. 雜色馬,花馬一匹有白色或另外一種色斑的馬
- This ruler has one scale in centimeters and another in inches. 這把尺有厘米和英寸兩種刻度。
- It is one thing to speak much and another to speak pertinently. 說得多是一回事,講得中肯又是一回事。
- Flowers bloom and fade and another year goes by! 花開花謝又一年。
- Every time I listen to Karen Mok I feel like X'mas' coming, even that was a hot midsummer day... 很久沒有看米蘭的比賽的。高中時代總是會在星期日自習完之後飛快的回家看半場的意甲聯賽。
- Don't jumble up one question and another. 不要混淆兩個問題。
- It is one thing to have theories, and another thing to put them into practice. 理論是一回事,能否將它們付諸實施,則又是另一回事。
- They were talking of one thing and another. 他們一個問題接著一個問題地進行討論。
- I'll take two of these and another two of those. 這兩種分別各來兩部。
- And another thing,what about that money you owe me? 還有一事,你欠我的錢怎麼樣?
- One beat the bush and another caught the hare. 一個人拍打灌木叢驅出獵物,另一人則把被驅出的野兔逮住。
- One beats the bush,and another catches the bird. [諺]坐享別人的勞動成果。
- One face to God,and another to the Devil. 一張面孔向上帝,一張面孔朝撒旦。
- She' s been very successful, one way and another. 無論從哪方面看; 她都是很有成就的.
- It is one thing to learn, and another to teach. 學是一回事,教是另一回事。
- It is one thing to know and another to teach. 自己知道是一件事,要教別人又是另一回事。
- It's one thing to flourish and another to fight. 舞劍是一回事,戰鬥是另一回事。
- It is one thing to promise and another to perform. 答應是一回事,履行又是另一回事。