- He made an impersonal comment on the incident. 他對那一事件作了客觀的評論。
- Electricity is an impersonal force. 電是一種自然力。
- First come, first served"" is an impersonal remark. 先到,先得」是不以特定人為對象的語句。
- The child fell into a steady mechanical creep which had in it an impersonal quality. 這孩子於是就不緊不慢,板板正正地穩步前進;他那種走法里含有一種缺乏個性的品質。
- The expert made an impersonal comment on the incident. 專家對那一事件作了客觀的評論。
- He would have submitted to the college of Physicists an impersonal report on his trip sixty-two years into the future. 那麼他就會將關於六十二年旅行的玄妙的報告提交給物理學會了。
- The hero's coal cellar is an apt symbol of the isolation of the individual in an impersonal city. 主人公的地窖是一個在人們失去了自我的城市裡個人孤獨的貼切象徵。
- Used instead of I, especially by a sovereign or by a writer wishing to maintain an impersonal tone. 朕,本人用於代替我,尤指帝王或筆者使用的,希望保持一種非個人的語調
- Used instead of I,especially by a sovereign or by a writer wishing to maintain an impersonal tone. 朕,本人用於代替我,尤指帝王或筆者使用的,希望保持一種非個人的語調
- English sometimes uses an impersonal sentence if the subject is not very important. Compare the following sentences. 在英語里當主語不是很重要時會使用無人稱句。比較下列句子。
- He was liable at the whim of an impersonal government to be blown anywhere about the world. 只要全無人情味的政府一聲令下,他隨時都可以被調到世界上任何地方去。
- Many people think of God as an impersonal force, something akin to the law of gravity. 許多人認為上帝是股自然的力量,毫無情感,近似於地心引力。
- Both epics are written in an impersonal and formal verse, using language that was never used for normal speech. 這兩首史詩是以客觀的和正式的詩句寫的,使用了從不在通常言語中使用的語言。
- The American negotiator』s role becomes that of an impersonal purveyor of information and cash. 尤其引起跨文化誤解的兩個特點是美國談判者的直截了當和缺乏耐心。
- The American negotiator's role becomes that of an impersonal purveyor of information and cash. 美國談判者的角色變成了一個沒有個人感情的信息及現金的供應者。
- As a sort of compromise and an impersonal selection, he finally decided to award the role to the one with the smallest waist. 作為一種折衷,一種無個人傾向的選擇,他決定誰的腰最細,誰就贏得這個角色。
- They say that despite enclosing return envelopes they hear nothing at all or, at best, an impersonal note is sent declaring that the post for which they applied has been filled. 他們說,除了未拆封的退回信封之外,他們得不到任何迴音,要麼至多收到一張冷冰冰的便條,聲稱他們所申請的位子已經滿員。
- It is often unpleasant to see an anomaly animal. 見到一隻畸形動物常常會使人感到不快。
- The expression is the behavior of space sensibility in an impersonal form, which is the expression meaning of the construction space. 空間情感又必須以某種客觀形式來表現出一種表情,這也就是建築空間的表情意義之所在。
- The indication is that it is an underworld killing. 跡象表明它是下流社會的謀殺。