- There is an ancient town called Gaozhou there. 在那裡有一座高州古城。
- "How far is it to any town or village?" she asked the husband. 「這裡距離城市或鄉村有多遠?」她問那位戶主。
- When you clicked town or village, You can get information on about goods price. 當您點擊城鎮或村莊,您可以進入信息關於商品價格。
- Apal-shipak is an ancient town, even by the ageless standards of the Necromancers. 即便用亡靈巫師們不老的標準來說,安帕-什帕克也算得上一座古老的城鎮。
- There is hardly a town or village in all England that has not at sometime given its name to a family. 英格蘭幾乎每個村鎮都在某個時期把它的名字賦予給一個家庭。
- An ancient town of southeast Italy where Carthaginians under Hannibal defeated the Romans in 216 b.c.. 坎尼義大利東南部一古老的城鎮,公元前216年迦太基人在漢尼拔的率領下在此擊敗羅馬人
- What is the basic speed limit outside a city, town or village on a non-primary highway? 在城市外不是主要的高速公路時速是多少?
- On the brim of prosperous Shanghai, there is an ancient town of Zhujiajiao beseting in lakes and mountains. 在上海這個洋氣十足的繁華都市邊緣,有一個鑲嵌在湖光山色之中的千年古鎮朱家角。
- An ancient town of southeast Italy where Carthaginians under Hannibal defeated the Romans in216 b.c.. 坎尼義大利東南部一古老的城鎮,公元前216年迦太基人在漢尼拔的率領下在此擊敗羅馬人
- What has made the little folk of a small town or village turn to nasty, spiteful pastimes and almost turning it into the latest sport? 是什麼讓那些小城鎮上的精靈們的思想變得骯髒,醜惡,甚而至於被看成了開玩笑和捉弄的對象。
- An ancient town of central Greece near Mount Parnassus. Dating to at least the seventh century b.c.,it was the seat of a famous oracle of Apollo. 特爾斐城位於希臘中部靠近帕拿蘇斯山的一座古城,其年代至少可追溯到公元前17世紀。它曾是著名的阿波羅先知所在地。
- An ancient town of southeast Asia Minor near modern-day Iskenderun,Turkey,Alexander the Great defeated Darius III of Persia here in 333 b.c. 伊蘇斯小亞細亞東南部的一個古代城鎮,位於現在土耳其的伊斯肯德侖港附近,公元前333年,亞歷山大大帝在這裡擊敗了波斯的大流士三世。
- Oh, right, we haven't visited any ancient town all the way down here. Tomorrow I'll be taking you to an ancient town built in the Ming Dynasty. 哦,對了,這一路上你還沒去過古城呢吧。那明天就帶你去看一座明代的古城。
- An ancient town of Asia Minor on the Asiatic coast of the Hellespont in modern-day Turkey. It was the scene of the legendary tale of Hero and Leander. 阿比杜斯小亞細亞的一個古老城鎮,位於今天土耳其達達尼爾海峽的亞洲海岸。希羅與勒安得耳的傳說即發生於此地。
- An ancient town of central Greece near Mount Parnassus. Dating to at least the seventh century b.c., it was the seat of a famous oracle of Apollo. 特爾斐城位於希臘中部靠近帕拿蘇斯山的一座古城,其年代至少可追溯到公元前17世紀。它曾是著名的阿波羅先知所在地
- Think of two regions,cities,towns or villages you know well. 想出兩個你熟悉的地區,城市,城鎮和村莊來。
- A city of southern European U.S.S.R. in Georgia southeast of Tbilisi. An ancient town on the site was destroyed c. 1400 by Tamerlane. Population, 143,000. 魯斯塔維蘇聯歐洲部分南部一城市,位於喬治亞的第比利斯東南部。位於此地的一個古代城鎮在1400年被帖木兒時代破壞。人口143,000
- "Marco Polo called it the 'good and noble' city of Yazd, an ancient town where desert architects learned to cool buildings and even make ice by harnessing the wind. 馬可波羅認為亞茲德是一個美好和高貴的城市。這個古老城鎮的沙漠建築師們學會了利用風使建築物降溫,甚至製做冰。
- The most eminent ones, are called by the name of the town or village in which they are situated.The four most famous of all are Eton College, Harrow School, Winchester College and Rugby School. 最著名的幾間公學的名字來源於學校所在的城鎮或村莊,其中以伊頓公學、哈洛公學、溫徹斯特和拉格比最廣為人知。
- A high wall fetched in an ancient small town. 一道高高的城牆圍繞著一座小小的古城。