- 富含谷氨醯胺二肽的20種結晶氨基酸對短腸綜合征大鼠免疫功能的影響The effect with 20 amino acid enriched with glutamine dipeptide and branched-chain amino acid on immunity of short bowel syndrome rats
- 含to keep
- 結晶氨基酸crystalline amino acid
- Aminosyn-Ⅱ美樂欣-Ⅱ(結晶氨基酸輸注液)<靜脈營養葯>
- 結晶crystal
- 含水watery
- 結晶氨基酸18Crystalline Amino Acids 18; Vamin N Solution
- 含稅價格price including tax
- 5%結晶氨基酸輸液,美樂欣(氨基酸5%),5%美樂氨基酸輸液Aminosyn
- 富含be rich in
- 復方結晶氨基酸17 Amino Acid Crystal Compound<營養類葯>
- 含水率water ratio
- 含油oiliness
- 結晶氨基酸溶液Veinamine
- 內含include
- 重結晶recrystal
- 智慧的結晶a crystal of wisdom
- 含沙射影to insinuate
- 含碳carbonic
- 結晶度degree of crystallinity