- Emily Dickinson became popular all over the America.She even was regarded as a pioneer of American and Britain imagism. 迪金森的詩歌語言簡單、意象奇特,有相當多的作品偏澀難懂。
- In American and Britain, and to a lesser extent other Western countries, a type of market fundamentalism became the guiding philosophy. 在美國、英國,其他西方國家尚未達到它們那種程度,一種市場原教旨主義變成了導向性的基本思想。
- Belgium, Sweden and Britain are monarchy. 比利時、瑞典和英國是君主國。
- What are the difference between the American and British systems of government? 英美兩國的政府體制有什麼不同?
- The play is being cast in both the US and Britain. 目前正在英美兩國挑選這部戲的演員。
- And Britain has launched Afghan strikes. 發動進攻
- And Britain has done it too, albeit modestly. 英國也做過同樣的事情,儘管幅度較小。
- Belgium , Sweden and Britain are monarchy. 比利時是歐洲的一個國家。
- American and Australian zip codes are numeric. 美國和澳大利亞的郵遞區號是數字的。
- They charted the sea area between France and Britain. 他們繪製了法國和英國之間的海域圖。
- Most English people bracket American and Canadian accents together. 大多數英國人都把美國音和加拿大音相提並論。
- Russia, Holland, and Britain followed in the wake of America. 俄國、荷蘭以及英國緊緊跟隨美國。
- American and painters no longer sit at the feet of Europeans. 美國作家和畫家不再拜倒在歐洲人的腳下了。
- In Russia and Britain they still have the ranks of Marshal. 在俄羅斯和英國他們還設元帥軍銜。
- The Latin American and African people have successfully fought against colonial rule. 拉丁美洲和非洲人民成功地進行了反對殖民統治的戰鬥。
- It is the first official contacts between China and Britain. 這是中英之間第一次正式的國家間交往。
- Thousands of American and British sailors drowned in icy water. 數以千計的美國和英國水手在冰冷的海水裡葬身魚腹。
- Every state has to have a Head, and Britain has the Queen. 每一個國家都必須有一個領袖,英國的領袖就是女王。
- American and Asiatic deciduous and evergreen shrubs. 美洲或亞洲落葉性常綠灌木的一個屬。
- But the most astounding developments were in America and Britain. 但最令人驚駭的進展發生在美國和英國。