- Along Zheng He's sea route 沿著鄭和下西洋的路線
- Zheng He was out of sight of land for one month. 鄭和有一個月沒看到陸地。
- Zheng He was in charge of the "Treasure Fleet. 鄭和一手指揮「寶船艦隊」。
- Zheng He's treasure ship was constructed here. 當年鄭和寶船啊就是在這兒製造的。
- This sea route is the way Columbus sailed when he discovered the new continent. 這就是哥倫布發現新大陸航行的海道。
- This is the site of Zheng He's ship construction. 原來你說的是鄭和造船的遺址
- Did Zheng He Find the Americas in His Sixth Voyage? 鄭和第六次下西洋發現美洲了嗎?
- Which countries did this sea route link to? 那這條路線都能連通哪些國家呢?
- Then Zheng He met Celestial Queen in his dream. 第三折楔子寫鄭和船隊在亂石嶼中的遭遇。
- Zheng He had a lot of willpower. 鄭和是一個非常有毅力的人。
- Like most Hui people, Zheng He was a Muslim. 與眾多回民相同,鄭和是一位穆斯林。
- In terms of port affairs, the Komatsushima Port of Tokushima proposed to start a cargo sea route with a GD's port.The two Ports have had some preliminary contacts so far. 港口方面,德島縣小松島港願與我省港口開通貨物航線,目前,雙方港口間已進行了初步接觸。
- Zheng He was an outstanding navigator in ancient China. 別忘了我們的口號:賞心悅目:鄭和是中國古代卓越的航海家。
- Yunnan nurtured Zheng He, and helped to achieve his success. 雲南這塊土地撫育了鄭和,也成就了鄭和。
- The moon attracts the earth 's seas towards her. 月球吸引地球上的海洋。
- Zheng He sailed far and wide throughout the Indian Ocean. 鄭和卻已經遠航到了廣闊的印度洋中。
- Zheng He sailed as far as Madagascar off the coast of South east Africa. 鄭和航海遠達非洲東南海岸旁的馬達加斯加島。
- Sea turtles have plied Earth』s seas for more than 100 million years. 海龜已經在海洋里生存了1億多年了。
- Columbus made four voyages to the west between 1492and 1504 in his vain search for a sea route to Asia. 哥倫佈於1492到1504年間四次西航,希望找到一條通向亞洲的海上航線,但沒有成功。
- It was built according to the type of boat used by Admiral Zheng He's fleet. 它是按照鄭和船隊的船型來建造的。