- In a little while she delivered the baby with forceps. 一會兒她就用鉗子把孩子接生出來了。
- Shaped like or resembling forceps. 鉗形的形狀象鉗子的或與其極為相似的
- So using Alli encourages dieters to eat right. 所以使用A促使節食者正確飲食。
- It used to be vibrant;now allI see are ads. 如果在此論壇發帖,互聯網上的所有人都可以看到您的電子郵件地址。
- I will be there to hand him the forceps. 我將在那裡給他遞鉗子。
- Alli ork and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只會用功不玩耍,聰明孩子也變傻。
- He recognized me and waved a forceps. 他倒還認得我,揮一揮鉗子。
- Dear AllI'm teacher Sarah at E-say English. "沒有辦法把英語說的像漢語那麼流暢嗎?
- Stainless steel Edison forceps etc. 不鏽鋼愛迪生鑷等。
- AllI want is to bring the best for Shanghai. 一心一意的也只是想要把好的帶給上海。
- Stainless steel eyes forceps etc. 不鏽鋼眼用鑷等。
- Stainless steel forceps soaking barrel etc. 不鏽鋼泡鑷筒等。
- The figures show an increase in forceps deliveries. 數字顯示產鉗分娩數量增多。
- Alli blocks intestines from absorbing some of the fat in food. 而服用藥物卻繼續吃高脂肪食物的人,會感到胃部疼痛腫脹並且腹瀉。
- But allI really want to do is have sex withyou as soon as possible. 但是我現在只想做的事情,就是立即和你做愛。
- Estoy esperanto que alquien me dijo「 yo estaba alli!xzhufu. com 我好希望有人對我說」有我在!
- Dispose forceps and soiled dressing in a plastic bag. 鉗子和舊敷料放在污敷料袋內。
- I would like to avoid forceps and ventouse to pull the baby out. 如果必須要採用外力幫助,我希望不用產鉗而是用胎頭吸引術。
- Details (eg type of cesarean section scar forceps etc. 細節(如,剖宮產切口外形,鉗子等)
- The English word admiral came from Arabic amlr a 'alli, "high leader". 英語詞admiral(海軍將軍)來自阿拉伯語amir a'a1i;高級統領。