- Director of Allied Air Cooperation 盟軍空中活動協同指揮官
- Rommel countered that they had never had to fight under Allied air supremacy. 隆美爾反駁說他們沒有再擁有制空權的盟軍飛機下作過戰。
- Due to Allied air superiority, the Tigers in Normandy and France were employed mainly in a static defensive role. 他們在北非和義大利取得了類似的成功,給盟軍部隊製造了巨大的心裡影響。
- Advanced Aeronautics is the backbone of the Allied air force and the primary upgrade for the Vindicator Rush. 高級航空學是盟軍空軍的中樞同時是維護者快攻的基本升級。
- Meanwhile, allied air forces were harrying the enemy communications and aircrafts in Southern Italy, and port of Naples. 同時,盟國的空軍正在騷擾敵人在義大利南部的交通線和機場以及那不勒斯港口。
- On the alternate line from Pisa and Florence south to Rome, the Siena yards were bombed by Mediterranean Allied Air Force Bombers. 錫耶納站場位於從比薩和佛羅倫薩到羅馬的的交替線上,執行轟炸的是地中海聯盟空軍的轟炸機。
- Allied air supremacy prevented rapid German reinforcements, and discord between Adolf Hitler and his generals stalled crucial counterattacks. 盟國的空中優勢使德國人的迅速增援相形見絀,希特勒和手下將軍們的意見不一也使其反攻未能成功。
- Then they were expected to move almost 100km (62 miles) under constant Allied air attack to their concentration area, before massing for the assault. 而且他們要行軍將近100公里(62英里)前往集結地,而在進攻之前還會經常遭遇盟軍的空中打擊。
- It took several hours for the troops to get on the road, and they spent the rest of the day moving westwards under relentless Allied air attack. 這個師在路上花了幾個小時的時間,接著他們在盟軍的空襲下向西前進。
- The Leibstandarte was thrown into the battle piecemeal because of delays in moving the division from the Caen Front along congested roads and under incessant Allied air attack. 「警衛旗隊」師分散的進入戰鬥,因為他們從卡昂前線到這裡的路一直擁堵,並且一直遭到盟軍不間斷的攻擊。
- By October 1918 there numbers made them a highly effective piece of naval ordnance to dissuade allied air interdiction at key locations (Zeebrugge, Brugge,etc). 到1918年這種非常的海軍火炮已經在數量上足夠威脅到協約國對主要目標的空中打擊。
- The US general still needed another day before he could be in a position to counterattack, so he turned to the Allied air forces to contain the German tank columns. 美軍將軍還需要一天的時間來為反擊做準備,因此他讓盟軍飛機來牽制德軍坦克部隊。
- Navy Air Cooperation and Liaison Committee 海空協作和聯絡委員會
- Their meteorologists had predicted several days of such weather, during which it was calculated that the Allied air forces would be grounded and the German supply columns spared the inferno of Normandy. 根據天氣預報,會連著幾天有這樣的氣候,估計盟軍的飛機在這期間不能起飛,德國的供應線可以免遭諾曼底那樣的浩劫。
- The English language is allied to the German language. 英語和德語屬於同一語系。
- The air in the garden was warm and fragrant. 花園裡的空氣一片溫馨。
- The archers sent their shafts through the air. 弓箭手向空中射出利箭。
- The English language is not allied to the Chinese. 英語與漢語不屬於同一語系。
- Allied Air Forces-Central Europe 中歐盟軍
- Allied Air Forces South West Pacific Area 西南太平洋地區盟軍空軍