- All rivers run into sea. 海納百川。
- All rivers run into the sea. 條條河水流入大海。
- All river run into the sea. 百川歸海。
- All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again. 我的應該是第一種,滷水即濃鹽水。沒有根據,當時沒搞清楚,於是矇混,但是到你這沒有過關。看來得調查一番,你有答案嗎?
- The Huanghe River runs into the Bohai Sea. 黃河流入渤海。
- The Huanghe River runs into the sea in North Shandong. 黃河在山東北部入海。
- Rivers run into the sea. 河水流入海中。
- A rivers run into the sea. 條條江河通大海;條條大道通羅馬;殊途同歸。
- Rivers run into the sea . 河水流入海中。
- All the rivers run into the sea, yet the sea is not full 百川匯海,而海不盈
- The river runs into the Pacific. 河流流入太平洋。
- This river runs into the Atlantic Ocean. 這條河流進大西洋。
- All rivers in the end flow to the sea. 條條江河終歸大海。
- All the rivers run into the sea, yet the sea is not full.-Bible 百川歸海,而海不盈。--《聖經》
- All rivers here are not polluted . 這裡的河流不都被污染了。
- On the way they had run into a high wind. 在路上,他們碰上了大風。
- As brooks make rivers, rivers run to the sea. 小河匯大川,百川歸大海。
- As brooks make rivers, rivers run to sea. 小河匯大川,百川歸大海。
- The gangster run into the bar and start shooting it up. 歹徒們衝進酒吧胡亂掃射一通。
- My first act was to run into the bedroom. 我做的第一件事便是跑進卧室。