- People buy books on aircraft identification, and spend whole afternoons on their backs, looking at the sky through telescopes. 人們購買識別飛機方面的書籍,每天下午仰卧在地上,用望遠鏡觀察天空。
- Based on this,fuzzy mode and step discriminant analysis are used to set up the identification mode of water source in pouring water aquifers. 在此基礎上,運用了模糊識別模式、逐步判別分析等方法建立了突水含水層水源判別模式。
- The paper introduced obtainable way, mass spectra identification mode and application in toxicant analysis of this software. 文中簡要介紹了該軟體的引入途徑、質譜鑒定方式和在毒物分析中的應用方法,推薦各有關實驗室應用。
- Aircraft Identification and Control System 飛機識別和控制系統
- Aircraft Identification Determination 飛機識別標誌確認
- Aircraft Identification Military System 飛機識別軍用系統
- Multiple Aircraft Identification Display 多飛機識別
- Aircraft Identification Monitoring System 飛機識別監測系統
- The aircraft was flying above thick fog. 飛機在濃霧上空飛行。
- The speed of this aircraft is very high. 這架飛機的速度非常快。
- An identification record for a tape or disk file. 磁帶或磁碟文件的標識說明記錄。
- He assembled the model aircraft bit by bit. 他一塊一塊地裝配飛機模型。
- Enemy aircraft dropped bombs on the city. 敵機向這個城市投擲炸彈。
- The watchtower followed the aircraft by radar. 瞭望塔通過雷達追蹤這架飛機的行蹤。
- There's not much leg-room in these aircraft. 這些飛機的坐位沒有什麽伸腿的空間。
- Artillery and aircraft were involved in the action. 在這次戰鬥中,使用了大炮和飛機。
- He sat at the controls of the aircraft. 他坐在飛機的操縱裝置前。
- The aircraft company deals with freight only. 這家航空公司只經營貨運業務。
- All aircraft must fuel before flight. 所有飛機飛行前都必須加油。
- I used my driver's license as identification. 我用駕駛執照作為身分證明。