- His Achilles' heel was his pride. 他的致命傷就是驕傲自大。
- Achilles was vulnerable only in his heel. 阿基里斯只有腳後跟會受傷害。
- He would have made a good pilot but his drinking habit was his Achilles』 heel. 他本來會成為一名很好的飛行員,不過他的飲酒習慣卻成了他的致命弱點。
- I think Frank's vanity is his Achilles' heel. 我認為虛榮自負是弗蘭克的致命弱點。
- The enemy's Achilles heel is his harbor defences. 敵人的弱點在其海港防禦。
- Her Achilles' heel is her tallness. (她唯一的缺陷就是身材太高。)
- Oil is the Achilles' heel of the trade picture now. (石油是今日貿易形勢中的阿基利斯腳踵。)
- Take my heel, make achilles out of me... 拿走我的腳後跟,取出我的跟腱。。。
- Beware of your heel of Achilles, my friend! 朋友,你要提防你那唯一的弱點啊!
- English is my Achilles heel too. 英文也是我的致命傷。
- Intimate relationship is my Achilles' heel. 親密關係是我的弱點。
- But it can also be their Achilles heel. 但是這也可能成為他們的致命傷。
- The goalkeeper is the heel of Achilles in thisteam. 守門員是這支球隊的唯一薄弱環節。
- He is very skilled at pivoting on his heel. 他能非常熟練地以腳跟旋轉。
- Place your right toe in line with your left heel. 把右腳趾與左腳跟排在一直線上。
- Milutinovic did not take long to identify his team's Achilles heel. 米盧蒂諾維奇沒花多長時問就診斷出了中國隊的致命弱點。
- The goalkeeper is the heel of Achilles in this team. (這支球隊的唯一致命弱點在於守門員.
- My heel has come away from the rest of the shoe. 我的鞋後跟從鞋子上脫落了。
- Restenosis (RS) is the Achilles heel of PTCA and PCI. 近年來,有研究者嘗試在PTCA后輔以低強度激光冠脈內照射防治RS,取得一定效果,但許多問題尚待解決。
- But as Penn's memo implied, that's also his Achilles' heel. 但是,正如彭恩在備忘錄里寫道,這也是他的唯一致命弱點。