- Men ain't apt to get kicked out of good society for being rich. 人是不會因有錢而從上流社會被趕出去的。
- The tracking (workstation) service is not running. 跟蹤(工作站)服務沒有運行。
- The workstation does not have a trust secret. 工作站沒有信任機密。
- This workstation is in use and has been locked. 此工作站正在使用中,且已被鎖定。
- Engineering Workstation--Hardware and Software ? 工程工作站一硬體與軟體設計
- Workstation record was not found. 找不到工作站記錄。
- How to set up a PC music workstation? 個人電腦音樂工作站初步?
- Net Statistics Server or Workstation. 顯示統計記錄。
- Select the options for the target workstation. 選擇目標工作站的選項。
- Physical security of the workstation and the user. 工作站和用戶的物理安全性。
- The Workstation service has not been started. 工作站服務沒有啟動。
- You re processing XML data on a workstation. 您在工作站上處理XML數據。
- The workstation ID used by the client. 客戶端使用的工作站ID。
- The workstation host table is full. 工作站主機表已滿。
- AI does not deploy outside of enemy gates. 電腦AI不會在敵人城門外展開。
- Connectionism is the newer form of AI. 相對來講,連接主義在人工智慧領域是個新生觀點。
- But don't you think you ain't going to pay for it. 但是你不要以為你是不會因此遭報應的。
- Does every workstation have its own printer? 每個工作站都要有自已的印表機嗎?
- This is so called Artificial Intelligence (AI). 這就是所謂的人工智慧。
- A friend that ai not in need is a friend indeed. 金錢上沒有困難的朋友才是真朋友。