- I held the balloon close to a small stream of water coming out of a faucet. 我把氣球靠近水龍頭流出的細小的水流。
- This a valley seamed with small streams of water. 這是一條被小溪流畫出一道道線紋的河谷。
- A small stream was mantled over with green mosses. 小河被青苔所覆蓋。
- The valley is seamed with small streams of water. 山谷裡布滿小溪。
- A small stream, bayou, or canal. 小溪、支流、運河
- The puddles had coalesced into a small stream. 地面上水窪子里的水匯流成了一條小溪。
- A small stream ran down among the rocks. 一條小溪在岩石間奔流而下。
- The valley is seamedwith small streams of water. 山谷裡布滿小溪。
- There is a small stream wandering through the woods. 有一條小溪蜿蜒流過樹林。
- Over there is a small stream spanned by a wooden bridge. 那邊有一條架著木橋的小溪。
- He greeted me with a stream of abuse. 他見到我就連聲辱罵。
- He uttered a stream of profanities. 他說出了一連串不敬的話。
- I've seen the stream of lava from a volcano. 我見過火山噴發出的熔岩流。
- A small stream, often a shallow or intermittent tributary to a river. 小河,溪流一小股水流,通常指一條河流的淺灘或斷斷續續的支流
- He came out with a stream of abuse. 他講了一連串的污言穢語。
- And into that lake flowed a small stream, the water of which was not milky. 而且,還有一條小溪通到湖裡,溪水不是白茫茫的。
- The fountain projects a stream of water. 噴泉噴出一股水。
- She greeted me with a stream of abuse. 她一見我就吐出一連串的污言穢語。
- I also need to see a driver's license with prove of current address. 我還想看看你的駕照以證實一下你現在的住址。
- Leakage Current: A small amount of current that flows across a dielectric area between two adjacent conductors. 漏電流:流經兩條相鄰導體之間介電質表面的微小電流。