- A Window of One's Own 自己的窗口
- To distinguish MPS of one 's own party from those on the other side of the house, and MP will say ' my hon. friend' . 為將自己政黨的下議院議員與反對黨下院議員區分開,下院議員將稱反對黨下議院議員為「我的朋友閣下」。
- Calatrava does not always travel in a private jet, but there are times when the convenience offered by a Cessna of one』s own outweighs all other considerations. 卡拉特拉瓦不常乘座私人飛機旅行,但有時候擁有一架塞斯納私人飛機所帶來的便利顯得猶為重要。
- When the inevitability of one』s own death came to be realized, structural designs took on a grander, more permanent aspect communication with the future. 當人認識到自己終有一死時,人的身體狀況呈現很大的變化,談論未來的話題會永無止境。
- A casement is a window that opened by means of hinge at the side. 豎鉸鏈窗是一種用邊上的鉸鏈開啟的窗戶。
- We have a window of opportunity here to deal with this disease. 我們相當有把握對付這種疾病。
- He dreams of one day becoming a famous violinist. 他夢想有朝一日成為著名的小提琴家。
- It is a window of opportunity of historic proportions. 而它正是一個具歷史意義的機會之窗。
- The proposal set a time limit of one year. 提案規定了一年的限期。
- From the vantage point of a window seat, you can survey the slums. 從靠窗座位你可以居高臨下俯瞰貧民窟。
- A man who is a member of one's own tribe. 部落男子某一部落的男性成員
- If the design is a window of the crowning touch to the room, the whole built environment eyes, then shutter glass design and the choice is the one the eyes overflowed brilliance. 如果說窗戶的設計是一個房間的點睛之筆,是整個建築環境的眼睛,那麼百葉窗的選擇與透光的設計則可謂是眼中流溢的光彩。
- A horoscope for the time of one's birth. 算命天宮圖人出生時間的天宮畫
- When opening an application you will usually see a window of this type appear. 當打開一個應用程序窗口時,通常您會看到這種類型的窗口。
- A burden of one's own choice is not felt. 自願挑擔不嫌重; 自己的孩子背著不嫌沉。
- I see the vase in the window of an antique shop. 我在一家古玩店的櫥窗里看見了那個花瓶。
- A complete set of type of one size and face. 一副活字一整套同樣尺寸和型號的活字模
- Please open a window to allow the air to circulate. 打開窗子讓空氣流通。
- A mapping of one space onto another or onto itself. 變換一個空間與另一個空間或自身的一一對應
- The office boy tried to dissipate the smoke by opening a window of the meeting room. "勤雜工打開窗子,試圖使會議室內煙消散。"