- 狀態欄顯示在「setting」窗口的底部。The status bar is displayed at the bottom of the "setting" window.
- 單擊開始(Start)按鈕,指向設置(Setting)項,然後單擊控制面板(Control Panel)。Click the start button,point to settings,and then click control panel.
- 側向槽(Side-grooves)對材料的COD值和n值的影響On the Effect of Side-grooves on the Value of Crack-opening Displacement (COD) and n
- 祖父活到90高齡。His grandfather lived to the ripe old age of ninety.
- 在威爾斯說看側翼鏡(wing mirror),但在羅?斯特說側視鏡(side mirror)。Check your wing mirror in Wales but your side mirror in Rochester.
- 遞延利率確定法,延期利率確定法 (簡寫為DRS)指鎖住國庫券基價的利差,以此確定今後幾個月的利率的方法。亦見anticipatory rate settingdeferred rate setting - DRS: Method of locking in a spread over a Treasury Benchmark while distributing the rate fixing over several months.
- 每小時走90英里to go 90 miles an hour
- 除此以外,一個運算符可改變運算對象的值,這叫作「副作用」(Side Effect)。In addition,an operator can change the value of an operand. This is called a side effect.
- 每小時90公里ninety kilometers an hour
- 本文提出了採用多晶側壁(PSSWS:Poly-Silicon Side-Wall Spacer)實現LDD MOSFET.The polysilicoa used as sidswall spacer for LDD MOSFET was proposed aad realized.
- 90年代初beginning of the nineties
- 邊緣匹配 (Side- Match)矢量量化器 (SMVQ)是有限狀態矢量量化器 (FSVQ)的一個分支。The side-match vector quantizer(SM VQ) is a branch of the finite-state vector quantizer(FSVQ). This quantizer is su itable for encoding the image in which there is a high correlation between neigh boring image blocks.
- 那棵大原松木值90元。The large pine was worth ninety dollars in the log.
- 可選擇的End User Desk-side Support(最終用戶現場支持)為您的最終用戶提供額外的援助Optional End User Desk-side Support to provide an additional level of assistance to your end users
- 達到90高齡to attain the age of ninety
- 二,改善系統電壓穩定性的發電機高壓母線電壓控制(High Side Voltage Control,HSVC)。In this dissertation we focus on two aspects: Singularity Induced Bifurcation (SIB) of power system DAE models, and High Side Voltage Control (HSVC), and some conclusion are derived.
- 艾格雷90Agral 90
- 90高齡the ripe age of ninety
- 老喬剛好在他90歲壽辰前兩天死了。Old Joe kicked the bucket just two days before his ninetieth birthday.