- Relier takes the medicaments of short time action mostly, be like fast but barbitone of Mian, amytal, the fifth of the ten Heavenly Stem. 依賴者大都服用短時間作用的藥物,如速可眠、阿米妥、戊巴比妥等。
- Will tell commonly, patient of armour hepatitis or the fifth of the ten Heavenly Stem hepatitis, the person that cure above of half an year can enter acuteness activity. 一般來講,甲型肝炎或戊型肝炎病人,治癒半年以上者可以參加劇烈活動。
- Ingredient: KL sublimation medicinal preparation 80%, dextrorotary alkyne fifth heavenly stem chrysanthemum ester 2-3%, function medicinal preparation 1- 3%. 成份:KL升華劑80%25,右旋炔戊菊酯2-3%25,功能劑1- 3%25。
- Acerbity natrium of the fifth of the ten Heavenly Stem of try out third treats someone mental motility fit, epileptic disposition change and intelligent obstacle all improve somewhat. 有人試用丙戊酸鈉治療精神運動性發作,癲癇性格改變和智能障礙均有所好轉。
- In the lunar calendar, the years are designated by the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches. 陰曆用干支紀年。
- Annotate of equestrian black stage " element asks " when say: "Day the last of the ten Heavenly Stems person, shade essence also. 它來源於男女之腎精,受後天水谷精微的滋養而逐漸充實」。
- Double amidine of the fifth of the ten Heavenly Stem; 戊雙脒;
- The woman entered adolescence later to 14 years old, right now " day the last of the ten Heavenly Stems comes, ren Maitong, too strong arteries and veins is filled, lunar issue with nowadays " . 女子到14歲以後便進入了青春期,此時「天癸至,任脈通,太沖脈盛,月事以時下」。
- 10th heavenly stem acid cobalt, boron Xianhua cobalt adhesive production sales. 癸酸鈷、硼醯化鈷粘合劑生產銷售。
- The fireworks on July 4th dazzled us. 七月四日獨立紀念日放的煙火使我們讚嘆不已。
- We spent a heavenly day at the beach. 我們在海濱痛痛快快地玩了一天。
- the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches 天干地支
- the eighth of the ten Heavenly Stems 辛
- the fifth of the ten Heavenly Stems 戊
- the first of the ten Heavenly Stems 甲, 筋退
- the fourth of the ten Heavenly Stems 丁
- the last of the ten Heavenly Stems 癸
- the ninth of the ten Heavenly Stems 壬
- the seventh of the ten Heavenly Stems 庚
- the sixth of the ten Heavenly Stems 己