- S e e D a v i d F r e e d m a n , e t a l . , p . 3 3 5 . 所謂選擇偏好是指在抽樣程序中把這一類或那一類人排除在樣本之外所表現出的系統傾向。
- At 5 p.m. EDT (2100 GMT), the center of Emily was about 125 miles south of Barbados and moving to the west at 18 mph (29 kph), the U.S. 美國東區時區下午5點,艾米麗中心離巴貝多島大約125英里並以18時速(29千米每小時)像美國西部移動。
- The university graduated 3 5 0 students last year. 該大學去年有350位學生畢業。
- If you will lend me 7 5 p ,I will repay you next week. 你若借給我75便士,我下星期就還你。
- c o n t e n t / p a g e 1 3 5 4 1 . h t m l . 入大部分來自於固定保費,很多籌資不足的計劃都沒有繳納可變保費。
- If you will lend me 7 5 p , I will repay you next week . 你若借給我75便士,我下星期就還你。
- Goggin P M,Morrero J M,Spychol R T,et al.Surface hydrophobicity of gastric mucosa in helicobacter pylori infection[J].Gastroenterology,1992,103(5):1468. 錢偉;候曉華;謝小平;等.;消化性潰瘍與黏膜中糖蛋白含量的關係[J]
- P M Van Westing,GM Ferrari,J H W Dewit.Corrosion Science[J].1993,34(9):1511. 羅振華;蔡鍵平;張曉雲;等.;耐候性有機塗層加速老化試驗研究進展[J]
- Of all 550 CRC patients,6 patients(1 1%) fulfilled Amsterdam criteria,19 patients(3 5%) fulfilled Japanese criteria. 5 5 0例大腸癌中 6例 (1 1%25 )符合Amsterdam標準 ,1 9例 (3 5%25 )符合日本標準。
- The mean size of tumor was 3 5 cm in TSR group, 3 5 cm in TSLR, 2 5 cm in TAR, and 2 5 cm in TVR. 腫瘤浸潤粘膜下層 (T1) 4 6例 ,浸潤淺肌層 (T2 ) 8例。
- JOHN P M,DUNLAP I L.Load sensing hydraulic control system for variable displacement pum:US,6 216 456 B1[P].2001-04-17. 紀雲鋒.;液壓挖掘機動力系統的節能控制研究[D]
- Giuntinic DI, Ricco G, Marini C, et al. Pulmonary embolism: epidemiology [ J ] . Chest ,1995 ,107 (1) : 3 5 . 何建國;程顯聲;高明哲;等.;全國21家醫院急性肺栓塞診治情況的調查分析[J]
- Herzig P M,Hnnington M D,Scott S D,et al.Gold-rich sea-floor gossans in the troodos ophiolite and on the Mid-Altantic Ridge[J].Economic Geology,1991,36:1747. 李文達;王文斌;孫南圭;等.;長江中下游硫化物礦床氧化帶及鐵帽評價研究[M]
- This research studied the 3,3,5,5-tetramethylbenzidine(TMB) oxidation reaction and tyrosine iodination catalyzed by thyroid peroixdase (TPO). 對他巴唑影響甲狀腺過氧化物酶(TPO)催化的四甲基聯苯胺(TMB)顯色反應及酪氨酸碘化反應進行了研究。
- Kirk P M,Cannon P F,David J C,et al.Ainsworth &Bisby's Dictionary of Fungal[M].9th ed.Wallingford:CAB International,2001:1-655. 程南升;潘學仁.;美味側耳五種酶的同工酶譜在不同菌體組織中的變化[J]
- Special agree with clavier removes dust.Can use 3 5 date cell, also can use 4.Transformer of 5 bend over inserts lighting power source directly. 特別適合於鍵盤除塵.;可使用3節五號電池;也可以使用4.5伏變壓器直接插照明電源。
- Wilson K H,Waldir P M,Jose G F R,et al.Multifunctional Entry Method and Device for Downward Flow Tube Reactor[P].US Pat.:20030194 360A1,2003-10-16. 楊艷輝;鄧任生;魏飛;等.;氣固併流下行床反應器出入口結構研究現狀與展望[J]
- There were 33 deaths(28 7%),2 vegetables(1 7%),4 severe invalids (3 5%), 13 moderate valids (11 3%), and good recovery in 63(54 8%) as evaluated with GOS. 按格拉斯哥昏迷積分(GCS)評定:良好63例(54.;8%25),中殘13例(11
- Y c r a. W a p m a w h a s p m. 搬運工:您可以放心。我們是專業的搬運公司而且我們有特殊的保護措施。
- It was positive in urease,catalase,oxydase tests and negative in H 2S producing and gelatin liquefaction tests. It could not reduce NO - 3,could tolerate 3 5% NaCl and 1% glycine and hydrolyze starch. 該菌脲酶、觸酶、氧化酶均為陽性 ,不還原硝酸鹽 ,H2 S的生成試驗陰性 ,其生長耐受 3 5 %25NaCl、l%25甘氨酸 ,水解澱粉 ,不液化明膠。