- 雞腿菇JM-08Coprinus comatus
- 雞腿菇Coprinus comatus, a mushroom also known as "the shaggy mane"
- 雞腿菇2001Coprinus comatus No.2001
- 雞腿菇子實體Coprinus Co matus
- 腿leg
- 雞腿菇栽培技術要點Main Points of Cultivating Chick-leg-like Mushroom
- 菇mushroom
- 宮保雞丁Kung Pao Chicken
- 雞爪chicken claw
- 長腿longleg
- 支腿leg (the part from knee to foot)
- 白切雞plain chicken
- 腿部shank
- 呆若木雞(with fear or amazement) be rooted to the spot
- 宮爆雞丁chicken cubes in chilly sauce
- 雞塊chicken nugget
- 殺雞儆猴punish one person as a warning to others
- 雞腿菇菌絲生長條件研究Study of the growing condition of the mycelium of Coprinus comatus
- 北菇雲腿蒸乳鴿Steamed Pigeon with Mushrooms and Ham
- 烤雞腿是小傢伙們最愛吃的。Bar-B-Q drumsticks are the kid's favorite.