- 自適應魯棒Kalman濾波技術在靜電陀螺監控器中的應用研究Research on the Application of Adaptive Robust Kalman Filtering Technique in the Electrostatic Supported Gyro Monitor
- 魯棒Kalman濾波robust Kalman filter
- 具有不確定雜訊的連續時間廣義系統確保估計性能的魯棒Kalman濾波器Robust Kalman Filter of the Guaranteed Estimation Performance for a Continuous-Time Descriptor System with Uncertain Noise
- 魯crass
- 棒strong
- 二階段Kalman濾波Two-stage Kalman filtering
- 魯棒性robustness
- 分散式kalman濾波distributed kalman filtering
- 均方意義下的最優無偏轉換測量Kalman濾波Optimal Unbiased Converted Measurement Kalman Filtering in the Mean-Square Sense
- 魯棒控制robust control
- 基於穩態Kalman濾波的兩種觀測融合方法的功能等價性On Functional Equivalence of Two Measurement Fusion Methods Based on Steady-state Kalman Filtering
- 數值實驗表明:新的AMC法具有更好的「魯棒」性和效率。The numerical results show that our new AMC method is more robust and efficient.
- 北斗雙星定位系統上的基於聯邦Kalman濾波的組合導航技術Integrated Navigation Technology Using Federated Kalman Filter Based on BD Position System
- 魯棒鎮定robust stabilization
- 魯棒穩定robust stability
- 魯棒優化robust optimization
- 魯棒估計robust estimation
- 動態魯棒dynamic robust
- 魯棒性能robust performance
- 魯棒設計robust design