- 高錳TRIP/TWIP鋼high manganese TRIP/TWIP steel
- 高強度高塑性TWIP鋼的組織和性能Microstructure and Mechanical Property of High Strength and High Plasticity TWIP Steel
- 熱處理工藝對低碳硅錳TRIP鋼力學性能的影響The Effects of Heat-Treatment Technology on Mechanical Properties of the Low Carbon Si-Mn TRIP Steel
- 不同加工工藝對高強高塑性TWIP鋼組織與性能的影響Effect of Working Processes on Microstructure and Mechanical Property of TWIP Steel with High Strength and High Plasticity
- TWIP鋼TWIP steel
- 汽車用TWIP鋼的力學性能與微觀組織Properties and microstructure of TWIP steel used in automobiles
- 高碳硅錳TRIP鋼低應變速率下的拉伸性能Tensile properties of high carbon Si-Mn TRIP steel at low strain rate
- 高錳酸permanganate
- 錳manganese (Mn)
- 應變速率對高碳硅錳TRIP鋼力學性能的影響Effect of Strain Rate on Tensile Properties of A High Carbon Si-Mn TRIP Steel
- 高分high score
- 偏高on the high side
- 硅、錳合金元素含量對TRIP結構鋼力學性能的影響Effects of Alloying Elements Si and Mn on the Mechanical Properties of TRIP Steels
- 高新high-new
- 鑄鋼cast(carbon) steel
- 含磷TRIP鋼TRIP Steel Bearing P
- 多高how tall
- 至高paramount