- 本文討論正則條件下極大似然估計(MLE)在漸近中位無偏(AMU)意義下的漸近有效性。The authors discuss asymptotic effciency of MLE in asymptotic median unbiased sense under regular conditions.
- 那架飛機從樹梢掠過。The airplane shaved the top of a tree.
- 派出三架飛機偵察。Three planes were sent up to scout.
- 飛機失速了。The plane went into a stall.
- 飛機正向上升入高空。The plane was nosing high up into the sky.
- 這次飛機失事只有一個倖存者。There was only one survivor from the plane crash.
- 他的飛機一直在海拔五千米的高空飛行。His plane continued soaring at 5000 metres above sea level.
- 那些飛機可供包租。Those planes are available for charter.
- 我的飛機在海灣上空遇上了暴風。My plane ran into a squall over the bay.
- 劫持是飛機剛起飛后發生的。The hijack take place just after the plane take off.
- 如今人們乘飛機旅行。Nowadays people travel by plane.
- 在飛機上你得付超重的行李費。You have to pay for excess luggage on a plane.
- 飛機給莊稼撒農藥。The airplane dusted the crops with an insecticide.
- 我們乘飛機飛行。We took a flight in an aeroplane.
- 這些飛機可在空中接受加油飛機的加油。These planes could be refueled in the air by tankers.
- 飛機是否準時到達要看天氣而定。The punctual arrival of an airplane is contingent on the weather.
- 雷達熒屏上出現了敵人的飛機。There are enemy aircraft on the radar screen.
- 我明天搭飛機去倫敦。I'll fly to London tomorrow.