- 我們被大風雪困在了一個小山村裡。We stalled in a mountain village by the storm.
- 漫天all over the sky
- 他又冷又餓地在風雪中過了兩天。He spent three days in the snow, cold and hungry.
- 「風雪有兩種,」巴勃羅一本正經而富有見識地說。"There are two kinds of storms," Pablo said, heavily and judiciously.
- 松樹搖擺,風雪在這群可憐人的頭上旋舞;他們「聖壇」上的火焰躍向天空,彷彿代表盟誓似的。The pines rocked, the storm eddied and whirled above the miserable group, and the flames of their altar leaped heavenward, as if in token of the vow
- 他們在漫天閑扯。They are chaffering about nothing in particular.
- 漫天大霧fog all over the sky
- 他在路邊停下車,在漫天席捲的雪花中,想吐但是什麼都吐不出來。He stopped at the side of the road and, in the whirling new snow, tried to puke but nothing came up.
- 風刮塵土漫天揚。The dust was blown about all over the sky by the wind.
- 漫天討價ask an exorbitant price; open one's moth too wide; quote skyrocket prices
- 漫天的沙塵漸漸退去,藍天和烈日又一次出現在沙漠上空。When all the ash and dust faded out from the distance the blue sky and the sunshine covers the desert again.
- 動漫天空game world
- 濃霧漫天The sky is covered by a heavy mist
- 動漫天地game world
- 漫天風雪wind and snow are all over the sky; bad weather
- 漫天徹地fill the sky and the land; everywhere
- 煙火漫天The flames and smoke lick the sky; The smoke and fire hid the heavens
- 漫天大雪whirling snow
- 漫天遮地as earth is hidden and heaven blotted out
- 烏雲漫天The entire sky is overspread with dark clouds