- 過(surname)
- 風news
- 風過礁樓The Wind over the House on the Reef
- 如風過耳turn a deaf ear to; in one ear and out the other; regard sb.'s words with indifference; take sb.'s words like wind passing the ear
- 風過浪平the wind passed and the waves calmed down; after a storm comes a calm
- 跳過jump over
- 風的Aeolian
- 過後(tw) after the event
- 過多excessive
- 和風breeze
- 去過been
- 風管wind pipe
- 看過see; perceive
- 風花雪月sentimental writings of the exploiting classes
- 到過been
- 過山車roller coaster
- 風道whirl tube
- 過時old-fashioned
- 隨風with the wind
- 有風windy