- 面向CIMS的集成DNC系統The Integrated DNC System Oriented to CIMS
- 面向數控車間的集成DNC系統NC Workshop-Oriented Integrated DNC System
- 面向CIMS的CAx信息管理與集成系統的研究CIMS oriented CAx information management and intergrated system
- 面向車間的集成DNC系統研究The Research of Integrated DNC System in Workshop
- 面向CIMS的MMS通信系統CIMS Oriented MMS Messaging System
- 面向CIMS的計算機網路The CIMS Oriented Computer Network
- 基於現場匯流排的集成DNC系統研究The research of integrated DNC system based on fieldbus
- 混合動態Petri網理論與混合型企業CIMS的建模、分析問題研究Hybrid Dynamic Petri Net Theories and Their Application in CIMS of Hybrid Enterprise
- 集成DNC擴展了傳統的DNC的管理功能以實現與DNC系統外的信息集成。Integrated DNC is based on traditional DNC but extends its administrative function so as to achieve integration and share information with external system.
- 基於NT區域網的集成DNC技術Integrative DNC Technology Based on NT Local Network
- 年代從某一具體日期算起的一段時間,也用作其年代系統的根據A period of time as reckoned from a specific date serving as the basis of its chronological system.
- 面向CIMS工程的客車企業技術中心管理模式重構研究A Study of the Management Model Reconstruction in the Coach Enterprise Technology Center Facing CIMS Engineering
- A3980的集成DMOS輸出在任何短路情況下都可進行自我保護。The integrated DMOS outputs of the A3980 self-protect themselves during any short-circuit events.
- 基於CIMS的離散型減速機製造業MPS子系統的研究與開發Researching and Development of MPS System Based on CIMS for Discrete Reducer Manufacturing Enterprise
- 企業集成DNC技術的研究與應用Research and Application on Integrated DNC Technology in Enterprise
- 針對以往DNC系統通信中存在的問題,研究了一種以CAN現場匯流排為基礎的新的DNC通信方法。In this paper, a new method of DNC communication system based on CAN fieldbus is studied to solve problems existed in former DNC system.
- 全面質量管理與企業過程重構在管理應用中的集成(英文)Integrating the Managerial Applications of Total Quality Management and Business Process Reengineering
- 面向CIMS的板類零件下料工藝系統The cutting process system for metal sheet in CIMS
- 基於集成DNC技術的車間運行模式研究Study on Operation Mode of Workshop Based on Integrated DNC Technology