- 非A非B肝炎病毒non-A non-B hepatitis virus
- 一組單股RNA病毒包括引起非A非B肝炎和黃熱病的病毒any of a group of single-strand RNA viruses including those causing hepatitis non-A non-B and yellow fever
- 一組單股RNA病毒包括引起非A非B肝炎和黃熱病的病毒。any of a group of single-strand RNA viruses including those causing hepatitis non-A non-B and yellow fever.
- 病毒virus
- 與非B門A EXCEPT B gate A
- 不到長城非好漢He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.
- 雞包涵體肝炎病毒chicken inclusion hepatitis virus
- 非標nonstandard
- 流感病毒influenza virus
- 不僅A而且not merely A but also B
- 【諺】羅馬非朝夕建成。Rome was not build in a day.
- 乙型肝炎病毒母嬰傳播與阻斷的研究進展The progress of the study on maternal-neonatal transmission and blockage of haptitis virus
- 非接觸non-contact
- 為B向A說情make an intercession to A for B
- 艾滋病病毒AIDS virus
- 海岸非任何人私有。There is no property in the seashore.
- 非公莫入。No admittance except on business.
- 乙型肝炎病毒疫苗Hepatitis B virus vaccine
- 非也!Nay, I say.
- 非特異性nonspecific