- 靜態VLANstatic VLAN
- 靜態static state
- 靜態的static
- 埠能被指定到一個VLAN靜態的或動態的。如果使用靜態的成員,Ports can be assigned to a VLAN statically or dynamically. If using static
- 靜態電流quiescent current
- 靜態化staticize
- 靜態分析vertical analysis
- 靜態特徵static characteristics
- 靜態變數static variable
- 靜態路由static routing
- 准靜態quasistatic
- 半靜態位置semi-static position
- 比較靜態學comparative statics
- 靜態值quiescent value
- 比較靜態導數comparative static derivative
- 比較靜態方法method of comparative statics
- 比較靜態分析comparative static analysis
- 靜態RAMstatic RAM (SRAM)
- 靜態列印static printout
- 靜態調製static modulation