- 青霉素P12prostaphlin
- 青霉素penicillin
- 氨苄青霉素penbritin
- 有些人不能打青霉素。Some people cannot tolerate penicillin.
- 我對青霉素有過敏反應。I have an allergy to penicillin.
- 我應當讓他給我打一針青霉素。I should have asked him for a shot of penicillin.
- 青霉素是現代抗生素的先導。Penicillin was the forerunner of modern antibiotics.
- 我打了一針青霉素。I had a shot of penicillin.
- 他對青霉素過敏。He is allergic to panicillin.
- 打一針青霉素約花兩塊錢。An injection of penicillin costs about2 yuan.
- 青霉素[醯胺]酶penicillin amidase
- 你對青霉素過敏嗎?Are you allergic to penicillin?
- 青霉素過敏penicillin anaphylaxis
- 標記青霉素分子to tag penicillin molecules
- 氨卡青霉素ampicillin
- 由青霉素類軟膏製成的真菌抗生素。a fungicidal antibiotic produced by molds of the genus Penicillium.
- 氨環己青霉素cyclacillin
- 氨基苄青霉素aminobenzylpenicillin
- 氨氯青霉素鈉amipicloxacillin sodium
- 氨苄青霉素鈉ampicillin sodium