



  • - (零數) zero
    - (數的空位) zero sign (0); nought:

    No. 105 (number one-oh-five); 一百零五號

    0.025 (point nought two-five) 零點零二五

    - (表示沒有數量;無) nil; nought:

    The result of the game was 3-0 [three-nil or three-nothing]. 比賽結果是三比零。

    One minus one leaves nought [zero]. 一減一等於零。

    - (溫度表上的零度) zero (on a thermometer):

    10 degrees above zero centigrade 攝氏零上十度

    - (小數目) with a little extra:

    a little more than seventy years old; 年紀七十有零

    Two hundred odd were present at the meeting. 到會人數二百掛零兒。

    - (放在兩個數量之間,表示較大的量之下附有較小的量):

    two years and two days; 兩年零兩天

    five yuan and three fen 五元零三分

  • - (零碎; 零頭) odd:

    odd jobs; 零活

    give small change 找零錢

    - (部分) fractional; part:

    break up the whole into parts 化整為零

  • - (枯萎而落下) wither and fall:

    fade and fall; float about; 飄零

    withered, fallen and scattered about 凋零

  • - (姓氏) a surname:

    Ling Hun 零混



  1. 我們可以以2比零或2比1贏得這三局兩勝的比賽。
    We can win the rubber 2 games to nil or 2-1.
  2. 五、四、三、二、一、零。我們升空了!
    Five, four, three, two, one, zero. We have lift-off!
  3. 昨夜溫度計顯示氣溫下降到零度。
    The thermometer fell to zero lastnight.
  4. 在7後面加兩個零成為700。
    Put two noughts after a seven to make seven hundred.
  5. 這個漂亮的窗帘是用零頭布做的。
    The beautiful curtain is made of remnant materials.
  6. 達成和平協定的概率是零。
    The probability of a peace agreement being reached is zero.
  7. 昨夜溫度是零下五度。
    It was five below zero last night.
  8. 比賽離終場還有五分鐘時,雙方比分為五比零。
    The score was five-nil with five minute left in the game.


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