
[gù yòng]



  1. 你僱用她多長時間了?
    How long has she been in your employ (ie employed by you)?
  2. 他們剛剛僱用了五個新服務員。
    They've just employed five new waiters.
  3. 如果不是因為這個缺點,我會馬上僱用他。
    If it were not for this defect, I shall hire him at once.
  4. 阿塞納爾隊剛僱用了一名新前鋒。
    Arsenal have just signed a new striker.
  5. 你就是我要僱用的人。
    You are the very man that I want to employ.
  6. 我們必須通過智力測驗才能被老闆僱用。
    We must pass an intelligence test before being hired by the boss.
  7. 我們僱用了一家廣告公司來推銷我們的產品。
    We hired an advertising company for help to sell our product.
  8. 我稱讚廚師做的菜味道好。隨後我給僱用他的餐館老闆寫了封信表揚他。
    I commended the chef on the excellent meal. I later wrote to commend him to his employer, the restaurant owner.


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