- 應酬(v) person to person social interaction
- 隨俗comply with convention
- 入境隨俗。When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
- 他不善應酬。He was unskilled in social intercourse.
- 不隨俗的inner-directed
- 這位鄉下姑娘似乎覺得自己從來就沒能很好地應酬她所交往的人。It was as though the girl from the countryside never quite felt up to the company she kept.
- 隨俗沉浮drift along with the world; without ideas of one's own; follow the crowd without personal principles
- 入境隨俗on entering a place, following its customs
- 在中風之後,祖父已經不再應酬。Grandpa has been out of circulation after the stroke.
- 入國隨俗。Conform to the custom of the land.
- 她對現代生活中的社交應酬已經厭煩了。She is tired of the racket of modern life.
- 隨俗而行,眾人稱頌。Do as most men do, then most men will speak well of you.
- 你一定是忙著應酬吧。You must be very busy with your call.
- 外國人必須入境隨俗A foreigner must conform his behavior to our customs.
- 應酬信件courtesy letter
- 領導幹部的隨俗與脫俗Following the Customs and Freeing from Vulgarity of Leading Cadres
- 贈詩應酬Interchange of poems for social intercourse
- 中國早期話劇的從眾隨俗性Catering to the Taste of the Public in China's Early-Stage Play
- 應酬語phafic communion
- 同時記住:「入境要隨俗。」Remember, too, that, @When in Rome, do as the Romans do.