- 在那關閉著的門邊,有些素馨花在閃著黃色的光輝。但是闐寂無聲。煙囪里不冒煙,也沒有狗吠聲。And there was a sparkle of yellow jasmine by the door; the closed door. But no sound; no smoke from the chimney; no dog barking.
- 滄浪濤濤,終歸大海寂無聲。Canglang Taotao, the ultimate sea hushed silence.
- 弟兄們好一陣子寂無聲息,真叫人捏著把汗。There was a long uneasy silence among the men.
- 郵車的掙扎和隆隆聲停止了,隨之而來的沉寂使夜顯得分外安謐平靜,寂無聲息。The stillness consequent on the cessation of the rumbling and labouring of the coach, added to the stillness of he night made it very quiet indeed.
- 闐fill up
- 無聲noiselessly
- 寂lonesome
- 無聲的mute
- 于闐系塞人居地。Yutian was the habitat of the Sai people.
- 死寂deathly stillness
- 于闐文Khotan script
- 闐闐Tian Tian
- 無聲息silence
- 駢闐close together; side by side
- 無聲地soundlessly
- 于闐Khotan
- 喧闐terribly noisy
- 無聲電影silent films
- 寂滅quietus
- 于闐樂khotan music