



  • - (房屋、車船等的出入口 ) entrance; exit; door; gate:

    side door; 便門

    front [back] entrance [door]; 前[后]門

    - (形狀或作用像門的東西) switch; valve:

    throttle valve; 閘門{機}

    sluice; water gate; 水門

    - (門徑; 關鍵) way ; method; access:

    key; knack; 竅門

    have learned the ropes; know one's way around; get an inkling 摸著點門兒了

    - (家; 家族) family; house:

    the whole family; 滿門

    Blessing has descended upon the house. 喜臨門。

    - (宗教、學術思想上的派別) school (of thought); (religious) sect; branch of study:

    Buddhism; 佛門

    Confucian disciples; 孔門弟子

    - (事物的分類) category; class; branch of study:

    speciality; 專門

    know every subject or profession; 門門精通

    - {生} (具有最基本最顯著的共同特徵的生物的歸類) phylum:

    Protozoa; 原生動物門

    Vertebrata 脊椎動物門

    - {計} gate:

    AND gate; 「與」門

    NOT gate 「非」門

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Men Wen'ai 門文愛

  • - (用於炮):

    a piece of artillery; a cannon; a gun; 一門大炮

    two mortars 兩門迫擊炮

    - (用於功課、技術等):

    this marriage (proposal); 這一門大炮

    this branch of study; 這門學問



  1. 這門閂不牢。
    This door won't latch properly.
  2. 大門太窄,汽車進不去。
    The gate is too narrow for a car.
  3. 請把門打開。
    Open the door, please.
  4. 門口有個男人要求見你。
    Some man at the door is asking to see you.
  5. 進來前請先敲門。
    Please do not enter before knocking on the door.
  6. 我送你到門口。
    I'll walk you to the door.
  7. 我走到臨湖而開的那扇門前。
    I reached the gate that opened onto the lake.
  8. 你把門漆成什麼顏色?
    What color did you paint the door?


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