- 而(shows contrast)
- 長long
- 提供了詳細而精確的細節或者環境。providing specific details or circumstances.
- 而膠囊通常長而薄,你可以把它打開,把裡面的葯倒出來。A capsule is long and thin and you'll open it up. You can also take out what's in a capsule.
- 由於使用了計算機,複雜問題迅速而精確地得到了解決。Electronic computers being used, the complicted problem was solved quickly and accurately.
- 葉子長而多刺。The leaves were long and prickly.
- 在此我們看到,藝術感覺中全面捲入精確的理性,而精確的理性使藝術感覺得以實現。We can see here, that artistic feeling is totally involved with precise reason, and precise reason makes artistic feeling come true.
- 長圍巾用如毛皮或羽毛等柔軟材料製成的長而蓬鬆的圍巾A long fluffy scarf made of soft material, such as fur or feathers.
- 標準配置的安裝在貼片頭上的對位鏡頭和顯示器能使坐標數據的登入快速而精確。The system is standard-equipped with head-mounted teaching camera and monitor, for fast and precise coordinate data entry.
- (博士學位)論文,(專題)論文,學術演講長而正式的論文,尤指大學里由博士學位攻讀者所寫的論文;學位論文A lengthy, formal treatise, especially one written by a candidate for the doctoral degree at a university; a thesis.
- 科學計算中的許多領域都需要快速而精確地計算超越函數,即exp、log、sin、tan等此類函數。The fast and accurate evaluation of transcendental functions(e.g.exp,log,sin,tan)is very important in the field of scientific computing.
- 他有一頭長而濃密的銀髮。He had a mane of thick silver hair.
- 微處理機可以與一個天平、砝碼和量杯一起使用,以實現對發動機燃料消耗率的經濟而精確的測量。A microprocessor can be used with a balance, weight set, and beaker to provide an economical and accurate measure of engine fuel consumption rate.
- 長而彎曲的下坡路a long switchback descent
- 微處理機可以與一個天平、砝碼和量杯一起使用,以實現對發動機燃料消耗率的經濟而精確的測量。A microprocessor can be used with a balance, weight set, and beaker to provide an economical and accurate measure of engine fuel consumption rate.
- 長而累人的徒步旅行A long tiring journey on foot.
- 長而密的頭髮人頭上長的長而密的頭髮A long thick growth of hair on a person's head.
- 槳,櫓一根尾部有葉狀片的長而細的桿,多為木質,用於划船或掌舵A long, thin, usually wooden pole with a blade at one end, used to row or steer a boat.
- 挪威王國有著長而崎嶇的海岸線。The kingdom of Norway has a long and rugged coastline.
- 長而直的頭髮看上去自然。Long and straight hair looks natural.