


  1. 鶴嘴鋤,丁字鎬一種鶴嘴鋤,尤指一頭尖而另一頭有可割斷根的鑿邊
    A pick, especially with one end of the head pointed and the other end with a chisel edge for cutting through roots.
  2. 今天我們用這輛掘土機乾的活,相當於12個用鎬和鏟幹活的人勞動3個月。
    It would have taken a dozen men with picks and shovels three months to do what we've done today, with this earth-moving machine.
  3. 我們今天用小型挖土機所乾的活,若是用鎬和鏟子,十幾個人得花四個月才能完成。
    It would have taken a dozen men with picks and shovels four months to do what we've done today, with this comparatively small earth-moving machine.
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