- 鑽孔CTCT by drilling
- 鑽孔bore a hole
- 鑽孔機trepan
- 他鑽孔開了一桶蘋果酒。He broached a barrel of cider.
- CTX - ray computed tomography
- γ-CTγ-CT
- 鑿大鑽孔broach out a drilled hole
- 鑽孔的噪音讓人受不了。The noise of the drilling is intolerable.
- 牙CTdental CT
- 鑽孔樁drilled pile
- CT機CT machine
- SR-CTsynchrotron radiation computed tomography
- 鑽孔入牆to bore a hole into the wall
- CT數CT data
- 在桶上鑽孔to vent cask
- 2D-CT2D-CT
- 他鑿大鑽孔。He broached out the drilled hole.
- 3D-CT3D-CT
- 鑽孔汲取啤酒to broach beer from a keg