- 斯this
- 閣shelf
- 「我是來向我的朋友們告別的,」普瑞斯萊直截了當的回答。"I came down to say good-bye to my friends," answered Presley shortly.
- 瑞斯走向弗勒,他坐在椅子上,從抽屜里拿出了兩盤錄像帶。REYES turns around to FOLLMER as he sinks into his chair, pulling two videotapes out of his desk drawer.
- 阿爾卑斯山Alps
- 瑞爾riel
- 拉斯Lars
- 藏經閣sutra depository
- 瑞克rick
- 斯達Stat.
- 洛斯Lowes
- 阿爾卑斯Alps
- 底比斯Thebes
- 賴斯rice
- 諾斯north
- 「我是來向我的朋友們告別的,」普瑞斯萊直截了當的回答。"I came down to say good-bye to my friends," answered Presley shortly.
- 俾斯麥Bosmarck
- 特斯拉tesla
- 斯圖stu
- 明斯特Munster