- 野戰手術床的CAD設計CAD of Field Operation Table
- 設計design
- 野戰手術包battle surgical units
- 手術床operation table
- 野戰手術車field operation vehicle
- 攜帶型手術床床體輕量化設計與試驗研究Lightweighting design and experimental study on body of portable operating table
- 家用縫紉機單相串勵電動機的CAD設計CAD of a Single-Phase Series Motor Used on Sewing Machine
- 野戰手術車存在的問題及改進方法探討Discussion on problems and improvement methods of field operation vehicle
- 模擬流動床及固定床的改進為離子排斥法提糖注入了活力。The current development of simulated, moving bed and fixed-bed modeling have given a new impetus to molasses desugarization by ion exclusion.
- 程序設計programmer
- 萬能手術床versatile operating bed
- J2002多功能野戰手術器械台的研製The development of J2002 multifunctional holder for field operating oppliances
- 建築設計architectural design
- 手術operation
- 多用戶實時共享的CAD數據交流工具的研究Research on Sharing CAD Data by Multi-user in Real Time
- 畢業設計diploma project
- 這是他一生中第一次自豪地成為一張有彈簧和墊子的床的擁有者。For the first time in his life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had springs and a mattress.
- 野戰field operations
- 床上bed
- 平面設計planar design