- 野外環境教育活動的設計Environmental Education Field Activity and Its Design
- 基於野外環境微重力采編器的數據轉換和傳輸Data Conversion and Transfer Based on Micro-gravity Pluck-editor in Field Environment
- 野外環境<美國消防協會長遠規劃劃分的活動環境之一outdoor
- 野外(n) countryside; undeveloped areas outside the city
- 他們出了一本有關環境惡化的小冊子。They issued a pamphlet concerning the worsening environment.
- 人類和環境競爭。The human being struggles with his environment.
- 在野外in the open
- 他很快適應了新的環境。He made a quick adaptation to the new environment.
- 野外的field
- 適宜野營的理想環境an ideal setting for camping
- 生活在奢侈的環境中live in luxurious surroundings
- 野外生存field survivorship
- 惡化的環境aggravating circumstances
- 野外工作fieldwork
- 孩子們在學校有一個快樂的環境。The children have a happy environment at school.
- 我在陌生環境總覺不自在。I always feel ill at ease in a strange environment.
- 那夜我們在野外度過。We spent that night in the open.
- 關於環境保護問題的討論會a seminar on environmental protection
- 野外實習field practices
- 農村環境有助於他恢復健康。The rural environment lent itself to the restoration of his health.