- 酸性湖藍A染料composite ceramic ball
- 不僅A而且not merely A but also B
- 把A誤以為take A for B
- 酸性黑染料acid black dyes
- 純棉針織物湖藍、艷綠系列染色生產實踐Dyeing Processing of Turquoise Blue and Brilliant Green Shades on Cotton Fabrics
- 他們國家的孩子,都有一雙湖藍的眼睛。Children in their country all have a pair of lake-blue eyes.
- 耐酸性acid proof
- 把A視為looked upon A as B
- 三維電極電助光催化降解直接湖藍水溶液的研究Electrically Assisted Photocatalytic Degrada tion of Direct Sky Blue Aqueous Solution with Three-Dimensional Electrodes
- 他們研製了一種不褪色的染料。They developed a fast dye.
- 把A比喻compare A to B
- 草灰可以成為很好的灰色染料。The ashes from burnt grass make a good grey.
- 酸性火山玻璃岩acid volcanic glass
- 把A換成exchange A for B
- 靛藍一種從木藍屬植物中得到的藍色染料,或是人工合成的藍色染料A blue dye obtained from these plants or produced synthetically.
- Ⅳ四號橙-酸性orange
- 阿果染料algol color
- 我得了一個A-。I got an A minus.
- 半酸性的semi acidic
- 阿尼林黑染料aniline black dye