



  1. 假型板在一側有舌狀切口且另一側有能與其它板相似切口相適合的溝巢的木板
    A board cut with a tongue on one side and a matching groove on the other to fit with other boards of similar cut.
  2. 大學的任務是訓練學生以從事各種適合的工作嗎?
    Is it the business of the universities to train students for suitable jobs?
  3. 有生源說,胚種論一種學說,認為來自宇宙空間的微生物或生物化學物是地球上生命的起源,並且在宇宙的其他部分可能有適合的大氣狀況存在
    The theory that microorganisms or biochemical compounds from outer space are responsible for originating life on Earth and possibly in other parts of the universe where suitable atmospheric conditions exist.
  4. 不順從的不能一致的;不適合的,不服從的
    Incapable of conformity; not conforming.
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