- 還原型維生素CDehydroascorbic acid
- 還原型reduced form
- 維生素C,丙種維生素,維生素丙,抗壞血酸,丙素,維他命CAscorvel
- 還原型谷胱甘肽對尿毒症患者紅細胞壽命影響的臨床研究Effect of Reduced Glutathion on the Life Span of Red Blood Cells of Patients with Uremia
- 漿果中含有維生素C。Berries contain vitamin C.
- 還原型NADreduced-NAD
- 維生素C,抗壞血酸,維生素丙,維他命丙,丙種維生素,丙素,維他命CCelin; Cevalin; Vitamin C; Vitascorbol
- 還原型VcLAA
- 維生素C被認為能預防感冒。Vitamin C is supposed to prevent colds.
- 復方甘草甜素聯合還原型谷胱甘肽治療酒精性肝病療效觀察Therapeutic effects of compound glycyrrhizin combined with reduced glutathione on patients with alcoholic liver disease
- 維生素C丸Vitamin C Pills
- 黑莓果含有豐富的鐵和維生素C。Blackberries are a fairly good source of iron and vitamin C.
- 還原型NADPreduced-NADP
- 維生素C片Vitamin C Tablets
- 還原型輔酶IDPNH; NADH; reduced diphosphopyridine nucleotide; reduced form of nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotid
- 異維生素Cisoascorbic acid ( D - IAA )
- 還原型黃酶reduced yellow enzyme; YEH; yellow enzyme reduced
- 維生素C鎂magnesium