
[yùn dòng chǎng]



  1. 運動場緊靠著學校。
    The playing-field adjoins the school.
  2. 男孩子們在運動場的牆上用粉筆畫上了球門柱。
    The boys chalked out goalposts on the playground wall.
  3. 不要到學校運動場以外的地方去。
    Don't go outside the school playground.
  4. 足球運動場的收入減少了。
    The takings at the football stadium has fallen off.
  5. 運動場上有五百多人。
    There are more than five hundred people on the playground.
  6. 我寧願在花園鋤草,也不願在運動場上跑來跑去。
    I would rather hoe in the garden than run about on the playground.
  7. 來捧場的人擠過大門,湧入運動場。
    Supporters crowded through the gates into the stadium.
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