- 學習"五臟皆有不寐"證治經驗的體會On the Study of Treatment Experience for"All Internal Organs have Insomnia Symptom"
- 可憐的瓊因發燒而一整夜輾轉不能入睡。Poor Joan has been tossing around all night with that fever.
- 不寐證中醫辨證綜合治療方案的選擇Choice of Complex Therapeutic Plan of Insomnia by Differentiation of Symptom and Sings in TCM
- 輾轉不能成眠toss and turn (in bed); unable to go to sleep
- 喜而不寐too happy and excited to fall asleep
- 三部推拿法治療心脾兩虛型不寐:多中心對照研究Multi-central controlled study on three-part massage therapy for treatment of insomnia of deficiency of both the heart and spleen
- 我思緒紛繁,輾轉不能成眠。With one thing and another, I could hardly fall asleep.
- 我丈夫徹夜輾轉不能入睡。My husband was tossing about all night.
- 淺談營衛不和與老人不寐的關係Briefing on the Relationship Between Disharmony of Ying and Wei and Senile Sleeplessness
- 我思緒紛繁,輾轉不能成眠。With one thing and another, I could hardly fall asleep.
- 三部推拿法治療心脾兩虛型不寐100例近期療效研究Investigation on Short-term Therapeutic Effect of Three-Part Massage on 100 Cases of Insomnia with Deficiency of both Heart and Spleen
- 三部推拿法治療心脾兩虛型不寐的臨床及機理研究Clinical and Mechanism Study on Three Parts Massage in Treating Insomnia with Type of Deficiency of Both Heart and Spleen
- 輾轉flounder
- 寐sleep soundly
- 不要告訴經理是怎麼把工作搞砸了的,不然他會大發雷霆的!Don't tell the director how you ruined the job, or he'll go through the roof.
- 可憐的瓊斯就這樣百感交集,輾轉不眠,度過了漫長的一夜,第二天早晨,考慮的結果是,他決定仍舊守著毛麗,不再去想蘇菲亞。Amidst these thoughts, poor Jones passed a long sleepless night, and in the morning the result of the whole was to abide by Molly, and to think no more of Sophia
- 他有錢有勢,可儘管如此卻並不快樂。He has great power and wealth, but is still unhappy for all that.
- 輾轉反側toss and turn restlessly (in bed)
- 假寐catnap
- "可是對你來說這是一樁大事啊。" "什麼大事不大事的!我擔心什麼?""But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"