- 輔機故障減負荷runback
- 600 MW機組輔機故障快速減負荷控制迴路組態分析Configuration analysis for run back control circuit of 600 MW unit
- 快減負荷RB(RUNBACK)Reduces quickly load RB (RUNBACK)
- 機machine
- 輔機故障減負荷RBRB (run-baek)
- 故障error
- 離線off-line
- 輔機donkey engine
- 給水泵快速減負荷run back (RB) of feed pump
- 輔機故障malfunctions of auxiliary parts
- 江蘇電網自動按頻率減負荷工作現狀Status of Frequency-based Automatic Load Reduction in Jiangsu Power Grid
- 高速線材精軋機故障智能監測與診斷Fault Monitor and Diagnosis Approach with Neural Networks for High-Speed Rod-Rolling Mill
- 經營範圍:鍋爐及管道安裝、維修、改造;鍋爐輔機製造;鍋爐配件加工;熱力工程施工。Business scope: Installation, maintenance, reforming of boiler and pipe; manufacturing of boiler auxiliary machinery; processing of boiler fittings; construction of heating power engineering.
- 液壓式萬能材料試驗機故障分析與排除方法Fault Analysis and Treatment of Hydraulic Universal Material Testing Machine
- 輔機部分:胎體供料裝置、束層供料裝置、面供料裝置。Auxiliary machine: carcass servicer, belt servicer and tread servicer.
- 基於粗糙集與人工神經網路的煙氣機故障診斷Fault Diagnosis of Turbine Machine Based on Rough Set and Artificial Neural Net Work
- 船舶輔機marine auxiliaries
- DTM350/700筒式鋼球磨煤機故障原因與防治措施Fault Analysis on DTM 350/700 Type Ball-tube Mills and Its Prevention Measure
- 輔機聯動slave drive
- 閉塞機故障block instrument failure