- 他們倆又是探頭偷覷,又是評短論長,又是侃侃而談,簡直就象兩個老知交。Both peeped and criticized and chattered till they felt like old acquaintances.
- 長long
- 論長永高速公路改建項目管理特色On Management Characteristics for Rebuilt Project of Changsha-Yong'an Freeway
- 簡訊note
- 短short
- 論長永高速公路改建的財務管理模式Finance Management Model for Rebuilt Project of Changsha-Yong'an Freeway
- 以90度計畫頂端分開,使用較短長度引導者而且雕刻平行。Project the top parting at 90 degrees, use the shorter length guide and sculpt parallel.
- 短論用事之研究A Study of the Talk-in-brief in the News Media
- 長的full-bottomed
- 較多more
- 長大grow up
- 阿富汗政局近況(短論)Afghanistan:Current Political Situation
- 拍攝較短的視頻剪輯來說明您學校日常生活的各個方面。Take short video clips that illustrate aspects of your daily school life.
- 論長管棚與自鑽式注漿鑽進錨桿施工對比Discussion on the construction comprison between long pipe shed and self-motion type pour slurry infix anchor pole
- 短的short
- 長達extend as long as
- 最長longest
- 短消息short message
- 長靴boot
- 短號cornet