- 鄙薄scorn
- 鄙薄之見humble opinion
- 她遭人輕視。She was treated with disdain.
- 鄙薄技術工作despise technical work
- 你不必也來鄙薄。For thee to disdain it;
- 在任何一個紀律嚴明的社會中,社會的道德不容被輕視。Social virtues not to be disregarded in any well-regulated community.
- 我們不應該輕視體力勞動。We should not look down on manual labor.
- 不應鄙薄技術工作。One should not despise technical work.
- 金錢和鄙薄,才是守財奴的養料。Misers thrive on money and contempt.
- 保羅先生非常受人尊敬,因為他不輕視任何人。Mr. Paul was highly respected because he slighted no one.
- 金錢和鄙薄,才是守財奴的養料。Misers thrive on money and contempt.
- 可見宗法觀念的餘毒決不能輕視。It is thus clear that the residual influences of clannishness must not be underestimated.
- 這些評論家們都輕視這部小說。The critics looked down their noses at the novel.
- 二奶奶和三奶奶偷偷做個鄙薄的眼色。Second Daughter-in-law and Third Daughter-in-law exchanged secret looks of disdain.
- 她的動作表示輕視。Her gesture was indicative of contempt.
- 他鄙薄地嘆了一口氣,又變換了姿勢。And with a scornful sigh he shifted his attitude again.
- 你不能輕視此事。You should not hold it cheap.
- 說謊者為人輕視。A liar is held in contempt.
- 遭人鄙薄的軍隊往往堅韌勇猛,聲名赫赫的國家卻常常不堪一擊。A despised enemy has often maintained a sanguinary contest, and renowned states and kings have been conquered by a very slight effort.
- 他的講話中處處是輕視女王的言詞。His speech was full of contemptuous remarks about the queen.