- 輕型RMGlight- duty RMG
- 輕型light
- 輕型飛機lightplane
- 她買了一輛輕型卡車。She bought a light truck.
- 調查報告表明,這架輕型飛機是由於發動機缺少冷卻劑而失靈墜毀的。The enquiry found that the light aircraft crashed after its engine seized up through lack of coolant.
- 輕型的light-duty
- 他喜歡駕駛小的輕型飛機,但機器的主要構造失靈后,他見上帝去了。He liked flying micro-light aircraft but cashed in his chips when the machine's main structure failed.
- 輕型車kei
- 輕型車上馭者使用的馬鞭。a horsewhip once used by a driver of a buggy.
- 輕型摩托車autocycle
- 輕型有篷的大車A light covered cart.
- 機動腳踏兩用車一種可以用腳踏也可以用小馬力引擎驅動的輕型機器腳踏自行車A lightweight motorized bicycle that can be pedaled as well as driven by a low-powered gasoline engine.
- 輕型卡車light truck
- 輕型飛機飛行時起落架不一定縮回.The undercarriage on light aircraft does not always retract in flight.
- 飛行員把固定住輪子的石塊踢開,跳上輕型飛機開走了。Kicking away the blocks holding the wheels, the pilot jumped into the light plane and flew off.
- 眼鏡,護目鏡鑲在輕型框架中,用於糾正視力或保護眼睛的一對鏡片A pair of lenses mounted in a light frame, used to correct faulty vision or protect the eyes.
- 輕型吊杆light derrick boom
- 輕型鋼板light gauge steel plate
- 輕型鑽機light rig
- M-274輕型運輸車mechanical mule